
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Emergency Spiritual Preparedness

In the March 2013 Ensign of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, there was an article about Self-Reliance.  There are some good points brought up in there that we would like to review today.  The article can be found at

Self-Reliance is Spiritual and Temporal
The first point is that Self-Reliance is both a Spiritual and a Temporal Principle.  This is important, because often we focus on getting food storage, 72-hour kits, and first aid.  Sometimes the spiritual aspect can go neglected.  It is just as vital to be prepared for spiritual emergencies as it is to be prepared for physical emergencies.

We really liked the quote from President Boyd K. Packer in the article, “If we lose our emotional and spiritual independence, our self-reliance, we can be weakened quite as much, perhaps even more, than when we become dependent materially.”

We should be building up our reserves by daily going to the scriptures and to our Heavenly Father in prayer.  Being prepared spiritually will help during temporal emergencies.

Self-Reliance is NOT Independence
The next point is that Self-Reliance should not be mistaken for complete independence.  This is important because we may get into the mindset that we will be prepared once we are completely independent.  However, we cannot ever be completely independent.  We rely upon the Lord for our breath and our very presence here on this Earth, so there is no way that we can ever be completely independent.  What we can do is become as independent as possible, and then use that independence to help others that may be struggling in that area.  Do not seek to become completely independent, but as independent as possible.

This was a great article, and we recommend that you read it entirely.  Did you learn something different?  Post your comments below so we can all learn!
Be Self-Reliant! as Self-Reliant as possible.

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